Download Customer Avatar Interview Spreadsheet
In Session 4 you will learn how to:
- Streamline your marketing content by creating a Customer Avatar
- Find out exactly what your customers are willing to pay you for now
- how to Find your “Perfect” Customer
- If you took all of you customers and combined their commonalities in one person, what would they be like?
- What are the important traits that have meaning, value and are relevant?
- List Commonalities
- As you build your Universal Customer, you are looking to find the particular commonalities that make YOUR customers uniquely similar
- Include only those commonalities that have meaning and value
- Discard irrelevant traits
- List Demographic Traits
- Age
- Gender
- Location
- Occupation
- List Psychographic Traits
- What are their biggest fears, and frustrations?
- What common problems are your customers trying to solve?
- What are their wants, aspirations, fantasies, and desires?
- Your Customer Avatar’s Words
- Different people communicate in different ways
- People interested in Yoga communicate differently from sports lovers, who communicate differently from “tech geeks”
- What are the common words, phrases, and sayings that YOUR customers use and can best relate to?
- Interview Your Customers
- What are the biggest areas that Stress you out?
- What are you most proud of?
- What excites You?
- What are your top 3 biggest frustrations?
- What problem do you wish would just go away?
- Customer’s Unique Words
- Within the words, phrases, and sayings, there are common themes
- Listen carefully to find the emotional “hot button” words and phrases your customers are using
- Customer’s Pain/Frustration Wants/Aspirations
- Create Your Marketing Just For Your Customer Avatar
- Create your messages that you will post as if you posted only for your universal customer
- Write your messages as if they are a close, personal, trusted friend
- Let your mental, emotional connection to them and understanding them come through
- Create Your Marketing Just For Your Customer Avatar
- (Attract Customers Now Facebook Page)
- Create Your Products/Services Just For Your Customers
- When interviewing your customers, THEY will tell you exactly what your products and services should do for them
- Before your next Launch/Seminar/Webinar, ask your customers what top 3 take aways they want and use that as your agenda
- Exercise: Create Your Customer Avatar
- What are the common demographic traits of 80{1f66b0d6ce0a11e4cd58ff5465420e8dd2d95871f419a96084a01d4981a25874} of your customers? Where they live, age, gender, etc.
- What are the universal “psychographic” traits? What do they want? What are their desires and aspirations? Fears or frustrations?
- What is the conversation your customer is having internally right now?
- Commit to speak to one customer/prospect per day for the next 10 days