How Social Proof Ads Ramp Up Your Business Results

Social proof ads allow you or your joint venture partner to create ads that are highly effective and can help you fill your event. Because the social proof ad is used when you’re advertising someone else’s event or someone else is advertising your event, there’s going...

Is the Facebook Fraud Video a Fraud?

A lot of people have asked me about the “Facebook Fraud” video from Veritasium.  If you haven’t seen it, you can check it out below. Let’s just talk about the video itself.  It’s extremely well done.  It makes it appear very scientific and I had lots of people send me...

The Secret Way to Win Customers Easily, Part Two

As promised last week, today I’m going to teach you how to dramatically increase your sales with proactive online chat. But that’s not all. With this technique, you’ll be able to engage prospects at point-of-sale right after a live webinar and,...

The Secret Way to Win Customers Easily, Part One

What are the typical ways that websites use to get customers?  Social media marketing, Search engine optimization and Google ads.  Many companies bring customers to their site, but they’re not really providing a human connection with the shopping experience. This can...

Be the Authority. Get Thousands of Facebook Likes on Your Blog

Being the recognized authority in your niche affords you instant trust and credibility with people who have never met you before.  That can really help you convert browsers into fans and fans into customers easily and quickly. I’ve got a top-secret technique that...