Download the How to Use Social Proof Summary
In How to Use Social Proof you will learn:
- How to use social proof for viral growth
- How to create content that will grow virally and exponentially
- Hot to find viral photos
- Viral Marketing
- Viral marketing uses pre-existing social networks to produce brand awareness
- “Self-replicating” VIRAL processes like the spread of a virus
- Best news – your message spread BY ITSELF requiring little or no additional effort from you
- It can also help you get exponential growth
- Social Network Potential
- Social Network Potential represents both the size of an individual’s social network and their ability to influence that network
- The larger your page gets, the larger your reach, and the larger your influence
- Social Proof
- When we see a restaurant with a line around the corner we automatically assume the food must be good
- We are evolutionarily programmed to follow the crowd because the crowd is perceived to be especially knowledgeable.
- The number of Facebook likes you have on your page Social Proof can give your business the social proof you need to build instant trust and credibility
- Cost-Effective Social Proof: 255,000 likes on my page Bret Gregory