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11 Get Likes Comments & Shares Social Proof

by | Jun 18, 2016

Boost Your Post

In Module 11 you will learn:

  • How to get tons of social proof on your ad
  • Use the Boost post to get numerous Likes, Comments and Shares on your ad

How to Boost Your Post


On the FB post you just created, we want to get likes, comments and shares for social proof. This can make a huge difference, a substantially positive impact on your cost per click, cost per like and website opt in. When your posts generate lots of likes, comments and shares, lots of people discover you and the services you offer. This is what a boosted post is good for but ONLY for social proof.

Remember, avoid putting your web URL, words and pictures with the intention of driving traffic to your website after boosting the post. This does not work! Do not do this! Instead, only use this boost method of social proof.

You want proof? I boosted a post. We spent $10. It got 58 likes, 5 comments and 6 shares. That’s great! But no real traffic. Only 1 page like and only 1 link click. $10 per like? $10 per click? That’s TERRIBLE! But what I cared about was people clicking like, commenting and sharing my post. So it was cost effective for that purpose.

If I want to drive traffic to my website, I’ll spend $10 on a boosted post and then I’ll spend $90 on driving traffic a different way.



So now we are going to simply boost a post for $10 so that you can get more likes, comments and shares.


You have some choices here. Audience, 3 choices. People who like your page, people who like your page and their friends, or people whom you target. Each one has a different reach. Because I only care about getting likes, comments and shares, I’m going to choose the middle option because it will get the best social proof.

So go ahead and boost your post now and we will talk again soon.