Blog Post


Does Location Matter?

You know what they say, when it comes to business the most important thing is location, location, location. Now typically when you hear that whoever is saying it is referring to a brick and mortar business, but what about online? Does location make or break your ad campaign?

The truth is, ads work no matter where you place them, so long as you are following the right formula of using a viral photo, a compelling headline and a targeted strategy.

This is yet another reason why I love Facebook as a marketing platform. Where else do you have the option of running ads in the middle, on the right, on mobile AND on Instagram? And you don’t even have to do extra work. Create one ad, create it correctly and Facebook will go to the trouble of showing you exactly what it will look like in each location.  

Take a look at the images below to see how it works.

Facebook Ad Placement: Where your customers will see your ads.
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When we are on Facebook, we see around 2000 ads. We see them in all sorts of places. This one (above) is a newsfeed ad. This is essentially a post in your desktop newsfeed. People can comment on it, like it etc.

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This one is a desktop right hand column ad. People think nobody clicks on these and you shouldn’t use them, but some of these are my all-time best performing ads.

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This is what a mobile ad looks like on your phone. 70% of people on FB now are browsing it from their phone. Typically, these ads are more expensive and there are some downsides to them, but it’s another great way to reach people.

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There are also Instagram ads. When you run an ad from Facebook, you can choose to simultaneously run it on Instagram.

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There is a new type of ad called a Lead Ad. When you click the button that says subscribe or submit or whatever, Facebook automatically populates your email addresses so you don’t have to enter them yourself. This can dramatically increase the opt ins for your ads. The drawback is that these people do NOT get taken to your website, which is what you wanted in the first place. So you have to look at that and consider all of the different options and your main goal.

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When you are creating the ad itself, it will show you on the right side where you can place them. This is a FB page likes ad campaign. The intention was to get likes for my page Bret Gregory.
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This is what it looks like in the mobile preview.

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And this is what it looks like in the desktop right hand column.

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It shows an Instagram version as well. (On a page likes campaign it will NOT show it on Instagram. Only website clicks campaign or a boosted posts campaign.)

As you can see, with so many different options (and statistics showing that they ALL convert) there is no reason to delay creating a Facebook campaign for your business. Go ahead and try it! Let me know which location works best for you!


About The Author: Bret Gregory

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