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Are You Using Facebook the Way it Should be Used?

(This is an example of a discovery ad with my friend, Christine Kloser, which got  81% opt-ins)

Facebook is the largest word of mouth marketing network in the world.

The biggest mistake that I see entrepreneurs and small business owners making on Facebook is they treat Facebook ads like Google ads and that is the fastest way to waste all of your money on Facebook advertising.  Start using Facebook the way it should be used.

The way to get people to see your ads is to use the discovery ad process.

The big difference between Google ads and Facebook ads are when you’re on Google, people are actually searching for a product or a service – they’re actually searching for something and possibly they’re looking for your product, service or program.  They’re looking for a solution to their problem.

Nobody goes on Facebook looking for a solution to their problem.  Nobody goes on Facebook looking to buy your products or services.

People go on Facebook to see what their friends are doing.  If what their friends are doing is attending your next free webinar, then they have a great opportunity to discover you and opt-in to your webinar that they weren’t looking for at the time.

The big benefit of a discovery ad versus a Google ad  

On Google you might pay $8 a click, whereas on Facebook you might pay $.80 a click.  In addition discovery ads can be very, very powerful when your friends of friends are discovering you, and opting in for your next event.

Post about your upcoming event

In a discovery ad, the first thing you need to do is actually incredibly simple.  You just post about your next upcoming event, or post a compelling giveaway about your next upcoming event on your Facebook page.   From there, you will advertise that post in order to get your prospective customers, friends, and current customers to comment on that particular post.

What you’re trying to do in the comments is to get people to say how valuable your content is, to say they are going and attending and how much they recommend everybody else should do the same.

Get as many people as possible to comment

You want to get as many people to comment on your post as possible, but ideally you want to get your biggest fans, your customers who are your biggest cheerleaders, to comment on the post first.

So how do you do that?  You ask.  When I say ask, I mean directly reach out to people one-on-one on Facebook, particularly happy customers who you’ve been able to provide value for. Simply ask them to give you a testimonial in the form of a comment on your post.  You want to ask them to do this right at the beginning.

“Don’t keep me a secret”

The way that I do it is I ask my customers who I have just given a 30 minute one-on-one session to.  At the end of our session I ask them if I have delivered value.  If they say yes, I then reply with the magic words, “Don’t keep me a secret.”

Those are the five magic words.  “Don’t keep me a secret”.
Then ask, “Would you be willing to give me a testimonial on Facebook?”

100% of the time people say yes and that’s when I ask them to simply copy and paste a two or three sentence testimonial on a particular comment thread.  When they put that post on the comment thread, their friends discover it because their friends see that post on their News feed. That’s how the discovery part works.

Turn this into an ad

The way you start the ad is you go onto Facebook and you click “create ad”. It gives you the option to advertise “page post engagement”, which is what you select, and from there you create your ad.  Start the ad and make it a goal to get 10 comments on the post.

If you found this valuable, I recommend you check out for more valuable information.

Bret Gregory

Published by
Bret Gregory

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